Note – you can build an ImmerGo system using either:

  1. The networked miniDSP SPK-4P and SPK-4 speakers or
  2. Any powered speakers of your choice connected to miniDSP NDAC-2 networked connectors
  3. Any static 8 Ohm speakers connected to miniDSP N-PW2 networked connectors

Shown below are some possible configurations:

To acquire an ImmerGo system, you need to:

  1. Purchase online the miniDSP SPK-4Ps, SPK-4s and NDAC-2s appropriate for your configuration. (
  2. Purchase online the switches appropriate for your configuration. (,
  3. If you are using a Windows machine, purchase online the RME AVB Digiface interface from  ( ) or contact any of the international distributors (
  4. Purchase the ImmerGo software from this site Click Here
  5. Alternatively, you can contact us for a quote on the system of your choice and we will ensure delivery.